How much should I Overclock my i5 3570k?

SInce i recieved i5 3570k and my motherboard MSI z77a-g41 yesterday and i don't know how much should Overclock it since i don't understand a thing of overclocking and i don't want to make a huge overclock 

And for the cooler i got a corshair H80 

From experience i can say 4.2 is the safest and easiest oc to get. You could honestly just use the auto oc that your mobo has, and it would hit 4.2 safely. anything more and you have to do it manually usually. PS. I have a very similar mobo! but if you want to go manually 4.2-4.6 is safe, depending how lucky you are! 


Good luck :) ! 

Thanks dude now i can make my beast PC

I had that motherboard and cpu for a while and had no problem getting about 4.2 with adding little voltage  as that motherboard does not have a good overclocking vrm setup as its a budget board but 4.2 or so is a fine OC.  I did it with the .02v offset or what every the first option is for the cpu voltage you could try that and see if it stable.  Make sure to monitor your temps and stuff too although I dont think temps will be a problem at 4.2ghz

you should be able to hit 4.5 stable at 1.29 volts

you NEED a quality cooler to OC ivy well

You may also want to look into delidding your cpu - i had over 15 deg variance between core 0 and 1 on mine cause intel used cheap shitty TIM