How much should I fear my ISP?

If there's a website for this, just point me to that. If not, it's Frontier, which is hard to search for because of confusion with the EFF and their involvement with copyright... so personal experience with them would be helpful.

They're my only ISP choice, so I don't want to mess it up. I won't be going for anything new, usually I want stuff from 5-10 years ago... if not from before 2000.

So what I want to know:

  • do they look/filter for offenses, or wait for action from legal departments/law enforcement
  • if they look/filter, do they only look for uploading, or any torrent traffic
  • do they care if users go on streaming websites
  • do they use strikes, informal warnings, or just terminate service on first offence
  • do they freely give out information to legal departments or do they withhold information and tell the user to stop uploading and delete the infringing data?
  • how long are logs kept
  • do they consider use of VPNs as 'suspicious' or against ToS

Thank you for any info.

Perhaps I'm just naive, but how can a VPN be against terms of service? Just do it. The strike for a VPN will always be less severe than that for pirating stuff anyway.

I think they look for offending use. A VPN is a perfectly legitimate use of their service.

I have Frontier DSL at work... and while I keep my nose clean at work I use it as our VPN host IP. Never a complaint, and I'm connected in 24/7 pretty much to my office VPN. (Yeah different than what you're talking about, but there is encrypted traffic they can't see)

I doubt they do any filtering of torrents, because torrenting is legal, unless the individual torrent is subject to a copyright claim.

I have no idea about strikes/nastygrams/etc.

Streaming is fine. Youtube, twitch, netflix, amazon prime video, hulu, whatever. I know peopl with Frontier FIOS who do that and they are fine too.

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Forgot to mention, how do I change my DNS modem side? Not just privacy, likely speed as well. This is what I see:

Haven't done a firmware update so not sure if that would change this or if I should be doing so for security...