I built this a number of years ago for my parents but I’m worried about them using a pc that’s spectre vulnerable going forward. How much would this be worth nowadays? I’m thinking something like 250-280$ CAD but I’m not sure.
Yeah, 250$ IF you can find a buyer. Bad news though, if you are afraid of spectre you will be shit out a luck with most consumer PCs. Even current CPUs and probably the next generations will be vulnerable in silicon. Here have a list of vulnerable CPUs. BUT there are software patches inplace that prevent the exploit so update your software (specifically BIOS/UEFI and operating system) and you SHOULD be fine, no need to sell the PC really.
The price of that 3570k seemed ridiculously high until I looked up the prices… I remember buying a 3930k for $500 in 2012 now its 800, 6 years later!!! Whats up with that?