How much did you give to GabeN and his associates these recent sales?

How much did you spend during the steam sales and other related sales? (gmg, gog, gamefly, etc.)

my list:

  • Valve Complete Collection [$19.50] (fill a few gaps, namely the half-life series)
  • [redacted (gifts)] x2 [$1.95] [$3.90] (if people know what it is they might see it cumming)
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengance [$5.99]
  • Postal 2 [$0.99]
  • Democracy 3 [$4.99]
  • Bunny Must Die! Chelsea and the 7 Devils [$4.99]

total: $40.36usd

I actually did not buy anything this year.

Last year I bought Skyrim with all the DLC and the Valve Pack.

I picked up a lot of games from the summer sale but that is about it.

Same here, I didn't buy anything as well. It was difficult though. The expansion packs for Fallout New Vegas were calling out to me, but I won!

My most last two purchases on Steam were Trine from this past sale and Mount & Blade from last year's Winter Sale. So a total of US$9.48 since the beginning of December 2013.

This sale was particularly good.

This time 'round, I purchased:

  • State of Decay - Breakdown and Lifeline DLCs for $3.48
  • Payday: The Heist Soundtrack for $0.39
  • PAYDAY 2: Ye Olde Hoxton's Christmas Carols 4 pack for $0.24
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengance for $7.49
  • Crypt of the NecroDancer for $8.99
  • Don't Starve Mega Pack for $10.34
  • Lethal League 2 pack for $10.99
  • Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Going East! DLC for $1.94

$43.86 total. Money well spent and the extra copies made good gifts.  :3

Wolfenstein $22.60(canadian)and Grid Autosport $13.73(canadian).


Just over $20. I got a $20 gift card, so I didn't spend much more than that since I am saving up for a new video card. I bought Audiosurf 2, Reflex, and Super Hexagon.

That is in USD by the way.

I got the Left 4 Dead bundle for £5, a great deal!

I also downloaded TF2 and stated playing that again, but its free!

And I got MGS Ground Zeroes for £15, but it still doesnt work, waiting for a patch. 

So £20 total = $30

Skyrim 4.99€

Total annihilation 4.99€

Some CS skins 5€


That's more or less it , spent a bit on netflix , but found it quite bad .

Probably about €80 but my brother gives me money to get him games as I have a credit card. There were also a few gifts given.

The main outlay wasThe Talos Principal. Bought it new because it sounded great. Was not disappointed.

About $60, most of the stuff I wanted went on sale this time and I had the money so I went fuck it I want. 

Nothing actually. I have all the games I want right now! :P But don't worry Gaben (praise be to him) I will give you double this summer sale!

I snagged two games (well, technically three) during the winter sale...The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings and two copies of Arma 2: Combined Operations. Cost me $20 altogether.

I dunno the price but;

  • Binding of Isaac Rebirth
  • Super Meat Boy
  • Stronghold Crusader HD
  • TES: Morrowind
  • Saints Row Collection

I think thats it.