How much did you spend during the steam sales and other related sales? (gmg, gog, gamefly, etc.)
my list:
Valve Complete Collection [$19.50] (fill a few gaps, namely the half-life series)
[redacted (gifts)] x2 [$1.95] [$3.90] (if people know what it is they might see it cumming)
Metal Gear Rising: Revengance [$5.99]
Postal 2 [$0.99]
Democracy 3 [$4.99]
Bunny Must Die! Chelsea and the 7 Devils [$4.99]
total: $40.36usd
I actually did not buy anything this year.
Last year I bought Skyrim with all the DLC and the Valve Pack.
I picked up a lot of games from the summer sale but that is about it.
Same here, I didn't buy anything as well. It was difficult though. The expansion packs for Fallout New Vegas were calling out to me, but I won!
My most last two purchases on Steam were Trine from this past sale and Mount & Blade from last year's Winter Sale. So a total of US$9.48 since the beginning of December 2013.
This sale was particularly good.
This time 'round, I purchased:
State of Decay - Breakdown and Lifeline DLCs for $3.48
Payday: The Heist Soundtrack for $0.39
PAYDAY 2: Ye Olde Hoxton's Christmas Carols 4 pack for $0.24
Metal Gear Rising: Revengance for $7.49
Crypt of the NecroDancer for $8.99
Don't Starve Mega Pack for $10.34
Lethal League 2 pack for $10.99
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Going East! DLC for $1.94
$43.86 total. Money well spent and the extra copies made good gifts. :3
Wolfenstein $22.60(canadian)and Grid Autosport $13.73(canadian).
Just over $20. I got a $20 gift card, so I didn't spend much more than that since I am saving up for a new video card. I bought Audiosurf 2, Reflex, and Super Hexagon.
That is in USD by the way.
January 3, 2015, 11:08am
I got the Left 4 Dead bundle for £5, a great deal!
I also downloaded TF2 and stated playing that again, but its free!
And I got MGS Ground Zeroes for £15, but it still doesnt work, waiting for a patch.
So £20 total = $30
Skyrim 4.99€
Total annihilation 4.99€
Some CS skins 5€
That's more or less it , spent a bit on netflix , but found it quite bad .
January 3, 2015, 4:42pm
Probably about €80 but my brother gives me money to get him games as I have a credit card. There were also a few gifts given.
The main outlay wasThe Talos Principal. Bought it new because it sounded great. Was not disappointed.
About $60, most of the stuff I wanted went on sale this time and I had the money so I went fuck it I want.
Nothing actually. I have all the games I want right now! :P But don't worry Gaben (praise be to him) I will give you double this summer sale!
I snagged two games (well, technically three) during the winter sale...The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings and two copies of Arma 2: Combined Operations. Cost me $20 altogether.