Just curious as to how many Steam games you have.
35 not many really, seen people with well over 1,500 games.
Oh wow, that's pretty serious if they have over 1,500 games.
No Steam games, okay. But yeah I do prefer no DRM on games as well.
Zero, and think I probably only have maybe 10 PC games.
I tend to get quite into one game at a time and play the hell out, then Mod.........though I do have a steam account and keep looking at their sales!
Less than 10, including another one on my other lost account which I had to create because Steam was being a cunt for not reseting my password at that time. That promo for a free copy of Portal was amazing.
I have 97 in total. 25 of which are either updating or installing.
One. Team fortress 2, and it's probably the best online FPS i have played.
Not really most of them are badge hunters. (people that buy games for the badges)
Like this guy.
I got 35 and about half of them are installed.
38, installed 4. :)
41 and growing
45 of which 36 are installed.
103. Many many idie games from the HIB. Most of the time I just play the story and if I liked it I try to get all steam achivements for fun and profit. There are so many indie games out there which deserve to be played :)
about 6-8, don't ever play any of them anymore.
year 12 + laptop does not go well with gaming tbh, I just play a bit of CoD4 nowadays and that's about it. played some saints row 3 too though.
37, 36 are installed. The one that isn't is Crysis Wars, it was part of a Crysis bundle.