How many people has the Tek helped!

If you look at this community overall you see many people from different backgrounds, different stages of life, all coming together to share mutual interests.

Outside of just the educational side of Tek Syndicate where technology content has encouraged this community to be here, there is another often overlooked quality that few are talking about right now and that is how many people do you really think this community has helped.

I have seen in the past few months people post about their depression, about their situation in life, some who have felt so sad about things they had feelings of suicide. And the Tek Syndicate community wrote to these people, and were there to support them, they offered advice, they told them not to give up hope and to keep moving forward.

At the end of the day this is NOT JUST A TEK 12 YEAR OLD FORUM with Internet Trolls. This is a community of mature intelligent and great people. People who have values, people who give a shit, people who even helped me stop my own feelings of depression as well as many others.

We are all more than just a result of being fans towards Tek Syndicate, it is the community that drives Tek Syndicate and in retrospect we have to also understand that even if their having troubles right now perhaps we should have some faith in the Tek Syndicate team being able to reconcile the issues they are having in a mature way.

Running a business is difficult, transparency is demanded but sometimes non existent.. And whilst financial issues can affect the lives of those involved, what cures financial ills is ethical decency, I urge the Tek Syndicate team to find the common ground here to resolve whatever differences you have in a mature way and to move forward because at the end of the day the community that supports you is worth more then the net sum of your dollars, there are people here on this very forum that have possibly saved the lives of others here, there are people here that have made the difference in helping others change their perspective... and that in itself should make you realize that financial arguments are petty and should be resolved in a legal manner and articulated clearly.

This is just a bump in the road, and I have faith that you guys can overcome this and move forward, but realize that it is us who give you the momentum that is how social media works and at the end of the day it is the community who will also determine your fate if they deem your actions to be irresponsible, as we do to any other channels we follow or choose not to follow.

I would hope though that despite the internal conflicts, you realize the power of the people helping each other on these very forums, because that has significance.

#thread merge

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Sorry I didn't realize there was another thread for this