I'm curious as to how long X99 will last in terms of gaming at say 1440p. Considering a Q6600 can still play games with the right GPU at med-high I'd suspect for around 6-8 years. I plan on using a 5820k. I just ordered an X99-A that I found for $206 so I'm going this route no matter what (despite an empty wallet). What do you guys/gals think?
x99 is very much a platform that make people pay top dollar for the lest tech, skylake will come out later this year and should have a the same things x99 has for less, 206 is a good price for x99 mobo where they get you is mobo and ram, and cpu
Yeah, probably 6-8 years at least I'd think. The latest Core 2 Quads are just over 6 years old, and judging by benchmarks they should still work. Heck, the first gen i5s, which are 5 years old, and the Phenom II X4s, which are 6 years old, can still game at 1080p just fine.
X99 isnt realy worth it for gaming basicly. just a 4790K for example is allready decent enough to game a couple of years on.
I think that games in the future will even become less cpu depending.
I just bought a board, so I'm going to use it. KVM should see a decent performance benefit so for me it's worth the jump. I was just curious about the lifespan of X99 in terms of gaming. I do agree that games may be less CPU dependent in the future, however shouldn't they make use of more threads? Star Citizen, for example, will be able to make use of the six cores and possibly all 12 threads.
There are allready games that can utilize all availeble threads. But they still dont run better on an i7 then on an i5.
THe time that games realy going to start benefit from more then 4 cores, thats a long way ahead of us i suppose.
For virtualization, X99 could indeed make sense.
If all you are doing is just gaming, then x99 is not worth it unless you live near a microcenter where they sell 5820K for $300. Otherwise, the X99 platform should last for more than 5-6 years for gaming.
even though games might use more cores/threads, they still are heavily dependent on gpu
I know its way overkill for gaming. A lot of what do is virtualization oriented, and well, my laptop can hardly handle running a single VM much less KVM. Thanks for the feedback guys. I got the X99-A for $206 so I'm kinda going that route now. I was just curious on the lifespan, but now I have sufficient feedback.
a 5820k in my opinnion is an awesome cpu, especialy for virtualization.
But also for gaming they will be totaly fine. 4.2ish OC shouldn´t be any problem with these cpu´s. And they will perform tdecently in gaming.
i have planned the same upgrade route for my self by the way. Since i also play arround allot with virtualization. In virtualization, those extra cores, threads, and quad channel memory realy gonne be a bennefit, if you wanne run multiple vm´s at the same time.
Like i said for just gaming it wouldnt be worth it, but for virtualization, or any other kind of prudcitivity stuff it definitely will be.
I used my x58 system until x99 came out, and it was just starting to show some signs of age with newer applications. I'd say you could easily get 5-6 years of use out of x99 if you got into it now. And yeah, I got a 5820k and it instantly overclocked to 4.2GHz with no effort.
Not long, Skylake is just right around the corner say July-Oct. of this year. Then again it won't be that much improvement since there's virtually no competition. I'd say if you do buy X99 it should last a good 2-3 years. Just look at the gamers who still have Q6600 and 8800GTX still out there. I just laugh when they try to sell a GTX for over 100 dollars.