How is this?

I have made a list of parts to a computer and i am going to purchase and buy it. Its mostly for exprience of PC building because this holiday i am building a 1,500 dollar gaming pc and i dont want it to have that be my first time. If i should make any adjustments or if you see a problem  reply!

Thank You,


Personally, i think you should save this money and put it with the rest  and build a even better computer. There is really no point in building a sub par computer if your planning on building a better one later. You could start now on the good one .  Like start with a good case and work out if you want to air cool or water cool. Then build your cooling system and have your case ready.

What do you want it to do? And are you gonna just build it and basically scrap it?

This would be better I did not find a deffinate answer on weather the cpu would be better but I looked like the graphics are the same or better on this one.  I had to drop the price on the cpu a little to get a decent psu, hdd and fast ram.