Hello everyone!
I was at my school, in the gym during the morning for some assembly or something. Before it started, I noticed I got really bad cell reception. I knew the school has pretty fast internet speeds (albeit not that reliable at times). I tried to connect to it with just my phone, and it just says it failed to connect. However on my school laptop, it works perfectly fine. I’m just curious how they are able to whitelist certain devices, and then block others from joining. Thanks!
They might have known the laptop’s WiFi MAC address.
You can do a little experiment. See if there is a MAC randomization feature on the Chomebook (I assume because this is what they use on school these days). If you activate it, it changes the MAC Address of your Macbook to a new one. Test if you can reconnect, that could be one way they can block phones.
Alternatively, you can try to change you phone to your laptop’s MAC address, see if that lets you in. Do take note that this is a school internet and they will know if you go to naughty sites. They may know if you use the Tor network.
Hi! So, yes, this is the conclusion I have come to. I just have not had a chance to test it yet. As for the laptop, it is actually pretty nice running windows 11. I think it’s the Dell Latitude 3310 P95G002 (i tried to “repair” the cmos battery one time to try and reset the bios. Didn’t end up doing it because I got scared, probably smart in hindsight.) Anyways, I see an option on the windows network settings to “randomize” the mac address to “enhance privacy”. Do you think enabling this option and seeing if I am able to be connected would be a fitting test?
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