How is my build before I order it

this is my build and how is it shold i go with the 660ti

IMO I would get the 660TI

ok thanks anything else


You could probably cut back on the PSU unless you intend on grabbing another card, the extra money you could put towards a new headset or something.

I don’t know if you can purchase from but this is a far superior board listed here. It is open box so some things like SATA cables and such might be missing but nothing you cannot get for a reasonable price. Just take a look at the differences between the 2 boards and decide for yourself. I will give you the links to the Gigabyte board I am taking about and the one you have picked out. I always say a second opinion is worth the look.




Also what is your budget?

no i cant i have to buy from memory express

is it really worth it to upgrade to the 660ti

Yes it is

see for my first build i dont think that there is much difference 15 frames at max

I said that with my first build two years ago, three months later was kicking myself in the ass.

really ok how much better and why were you kicking yourself and your flexible if you can kick youself in the ass

The 660ti is about 15 to 20% faster.


really will that make my system last longer

and if so which gtx 660ti is the bestand it needs to be under 300

ok now what is a good powersupply that is cheap i have been looking at the coolermaster one or the silverstone strider essential or the the thermaltake tr2

I would grab a 7870 instead of a 660 TI if I were you.

I have a coolermaster PSU if works well, very far out of your budget though. Brands to go with are Corsair, Coolermaster, Antec, and Thermaltake