How is my 1000$ budget build ? i need help! thanks

Parts List-
CPU-Intel core i7-4790k processor 4.40ghz
RAM-G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB)
GPU-Gigabyte GeForce GTX 970 4GB WINDFORCE
Motherboard-Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI ATX LGA1150 Motherboard
HDD-Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB
SSD-Samsung 840 Pro Series 128GB
Case-Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case
DVD Drive- Black SATA 24X DVD Burner
PSU-supernova 750g1 750w atx12v power supply

build comes about to 1000$ which is my budget!
how is it? is it a good build to set up?
i only play diablo3 and lol sometimes and i know this spec is way to good for playing those games but mind as well build a good one so i dont have to upgrade it later. anyways thanks!

I'd beware of that motherboard.
Newegg reviews aren't fantastic:

"turned on pc and it runs for a couple seconds then shuts off and stays in that cycle"

The above story is repeated in a couple other reviews.

"Won't work with more than one RAM stick in.
(Putting in two caused powercycling)
Won't work if a GPU is plugged in.
(Causes powercycling)"

Since you are going with 1600 ram I would go with Ares if you are doing air cooling and use a cooler like this one.
It's a good cooler for a mid tower and allows good airflow while doing a good job at cooling, Air flow it also the factor for the Ares ram. Pull air from the lower front and exaust out the back and it won't get hot.

Otherwise the only thing I really see that is questionable is the Motherboard. All in all looks like a good build.
not sure 8 threads are needed for Diablo 3

That's a fair point - completely went over my head.
It's not worth having greater than four cores at the moment, and it won't be for a long while (the vast majority of gamers have quad cores, some on dual core CPUs, I doubt that any titles coming out within the next good few years are going to lock you out of playing the game for having less than four cores).
That being said, if you're doing something like 3D rendering or video editing - it'll be completely worth it. You'll need a better CPU cooler though. I have the 4790k and still need to get myself an aftermarket cooler - I recently acquired my first GPU and having any large expansion card (the GPU) present is pretty detrimental to the airflow getting to that tiny stock heatsink, and with even more heat being radiated from the top of the GPU too, it has an extremely detrimental effect on your CPU's thermals. I genuinely cannot render anything out in blender at the moment using all eight threads in 1080p with 50 samples per se, because I'll hit the 90s and after a minute or two, 100.

thanks man which mother board u think it will go with it ?

what do u mean

hah since its my first time so , air cooling is not same as the power supply i listed there above? it looks like it has the fan

Grab a better psu - I would never recommend a quad 12v rail design psu that is <1000w.
Go for something from XFX (seasonic units), Seasonic, Antec HCG's, NZXT hale's, some Corsairs (the ones that used seasonic as the oem), superflower, and the gold rated coolermasters (again Seasonic oem).

<$1k build - all quality parts, a vanilla i5 is all one needs for gaming.