The pc in Question
I dont even.
The pc in Question
I dont even.
You aren't aware that Nvidia dropped the nonsensical Titan-Z again to compete with the R9-295x2? $1499 is actually the Titan-Z's retail price now. but it still doesn't even compete against the R9-295x2. if it dropped to $1000 Dollars THEN it would actually be something to look at, two titans for the price of one that would make any person go nuts regardless if they have a preference to AMD. but overall that system is pretty unbalanced and pretty stupid. who the hell would put a Titan-Z with a Pentium.
>Titan Z
The bottlenecking.
This kind of stuff is just headache inducing. 4790k + 16gb ram + gt 640... ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Rofl its a whole new level of bad
Still stupid but Maingear probably pays a lot less than retail price for their hardware.
You could just buy it and sell the parts and probably make more than $1500.
A dual core on a titan z. Funny stuff, looks cool tho.