So far the conversation has gone @lessershoe @mumblevagabond @Kiaxa
Nvidia going to fuck everything up with game works
Too many asscreed
Too many shitty ripoff 2d sidescroller
Good big gaming companies gonna die from shitty games and thus going to die from loss of profit margins and we all end up playing shitty android games
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Star Citizen collapses and murders crowd funding with it.
Asscreed with super expensive movie tie doesn't sell.
not saying it will happen but would massively hurt the industry
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Don't forget Konami with their Steve Jobs attitude "you no know what want, we know what you want. not silent hill, you want mobile. screw you."
CDPR gets brought out by EA.
When companies start making games solely for the money, and not for the sake of actually making fun games.
Retards in government. RIP.
That is happening right now with many companies
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Yeah, and gaming is suffering as a result. There is still hope though, not ALL companies are doing it. Just some of the top ones.
Edit: We can only hope that these guilty companies will die off and be replaced by ones that actually care. The only way we can is to vote with our wallets.
Tall poppy syndrome has already taken effect, most good old companies have been bought up and merged together and killed off the content they could've produced.
Can someone translate that in English please?
Example: Ubisoft lol
I remember when Assassins Creed was actually a well respected game, now it's just seen as Ubisofts newest money grab.
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Not with a bang, but with a whimper.
i kinda understand ubisoft and their assing'screed series. They should attempt to create new IP's using their engine ~ basically make games that use similar engine mechanics and then after big breakthroughs they could release hyped assing'screed game.
This approch shown great success for ID in their days. They created Wolfenstein, and using that engine created new IP doom, and from doom they had many many more IP's; and most became very popular. + they had this thing going
They would release Doom, Quake, Wolf, Doom, Quake each showing much better version of their engine. Unlike Ubisoft just throwing another title of their main game - where as they could do few games using similar things but most importantly their engine.
There are so many people saying that the gaming industry is going to crash a second time. They are all wrong.
Yeah, like instead of making a pirate Assassins Creed game, just make a pirate game. Would have been much better received in my opinion.
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B-but parkour? everyone likes parkour right? Right? /s
It cool, but it's just a bit... redundant?
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they could have it in every game, its just they have but 1 ip to use their most advanced engine yet... so everytime they release a game it all falls onto their main title - while as with many ip's they could test things without getting such hate.