What do I miss out on if I use it?
well that are 3 boards that are totaly diffrent.
i have a few questions
- Which cpu are you planning to use?
- Are you tempting to overclock?
- Do you stay on a Single Gpu setup, or do you want the capability´s for CF or Sli?
FX 6300. Probably. Single GPU.
if you stay with a single gpu the i would say go for the Asus M5A97 R2.0 4+2 powerphase and digi vrm, with a FX6300 95Wtdp cpu, you will be fine on this board, you will also be able to play with some overclocking.
The Asrock 970 Extreme 3/4 have only 4+1 powerphase they will ofc also work fine with a FX6300 but you wont get manny overclock room, because of the weaker powerphases and they also have weak vrm´s.