Hey guys I just wanted to make a new forum post? because I have recently joined teksyndicate .. yay ! :D so I was just wondering what speeds do you get when you download game on steam? I recently also upgraded my plan to 300gb so 10gb a day ? and the speeds are 7 mbps (megabyte per second) what are yours? :DD peace..
Steam useualy maxes my download speeds (around 3Mb/s)
Usually 600KBps - 1.2MBps using downloading with steam.
normaly 7.8 to 8.1 megabytes
nice bros,
Fake speed (3G - I have no idea how this happend):
real speed: 18-21 mbps or 1 - 2.2mb/s
usually steam maxes at leik 8.2 mbps or so, LoL patching usually take less than 30 sec
@ school
downloading BF3 @ school
origin not steam :(
123Mb/s? Not bad for a school; now, if it were, say, 123MB/s, then that would be a different story ;)
I just updated dota 2, and it said peak was 1.9 MB/s. my connection is usually about 150 mbit down during the day, and in the dead of night, usually like 300+ mbit.