How does this show up on your phone?

It’s unlisted I believe. So anyone can see it. There was an incident in one of the threads and posts that were off topic were removed and moved into /dev/null.

Nexus 6 Lineage 15.1 chrome

Ohhh. Your talking about how the Spider-man image displays on the phone.

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Same device Firefox

Actual image

Notice how the e gets cut off. Discourse bug?

Yeah I should have elaborated more.

I forgot what its called but I learned this way back in the day when I was taking a web dev class in high school.

It is some sort of css issue. If you are on the desktop and make the window smaller you will get the same result as you did when you posted the screenshot from your phone.

EDIT: I believe it is called image scaling and it is shown here

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It’s the same for me, Spiderman is cut off.


I think this is something discourse handles on modern browsers, no?

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That is a good question. I honestly don’t know. @kreestuh would know tho.

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style id=“image-sizing-hack”

#reply-control .d-editor-preview img:not(.thumbnail), .cooked img:not(.thumbnail)

to max width 100% makes the image scale. Don’t know if it breaks anything tho.

And I do not know if that is how it’s done.

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I think this belongs in the discourse repo so all discourse sites can benefit.

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The image size is in pixels, not scaled. When you insert an image it will tell you the size in pixels when you go to link it.

This is an issue of hardcoding vs relative sizing.


Its been an issue for me for months on my nexus 6p

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Same, always had this issue.

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I have the same issue on my android phone…

It’s ‘solved’ if you rotate and view this site like a madman

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