I'm a fairly new subscriber on the YouTube channel but I've been watching a lot of Tek Syndicate vids in my free time, especially the Tek, a lot of them talk about the NSA because of all the ridiculous things that are happening.
In Tek 0066 it is mentioned that Snowden is not being called a whistleblower in media, but in Canada (and thus countries elsewhere I assume) he has been, I'm pointing it out because it makes it seem as though countries elsewhere are safe. I've been trying to read up on how it affects Canada as the two governments are usually overly neighbourly and policies are very similar and a lot is shared between the two, but everything I've seen says that the metadata etc mayor may not be shared.
How does this affect people North of the American border and people outside of the U.S. that use services from companies (American ones) like Google? (I apologize in advance as the answer to the second half of that question is probably in a vid, I just haven't seen it)
I have to correct you because you are wrong. Those are internationally publicly traded corporations they are no-longer "American companies". They may have servers and offices within the USA but they are still multinational corporations with international stock shareholders.
And I have to correct you, any website that has any operations out of a country must follow all countries laws on them. This will mean that since they have bases in America, they will be subjected to American law, and of course the NSA.
Canada has a spying program that it uses on it's own citizens, don't doubt that for a second.
Canadian policies are actually quite different from the USA in a number of key areas. I don't want to get into all of them, but one big one would be IRAQ, nuclear weapons, the death penalty, not to even go CLOSE to health care and social programs. SEE? I got started already! I CAN'T EVEN! XD
Remember, a Canadian "Conservative" is still FAR LEFT of even FAR LEFT Democrats. The ones that are truly "US" style conservative are just the very fringe up here, quite rare.
Side note, my American friends! I invite you to read the platform for the NDP (Official Opposition) in Canada. Most in the USA would probably call it "Communism" lol