I am thinking about buying Synergy to use it on my Windows 10 PC and my Linux Mint machine but I was wondering how it works behind the curtain? Is there any server on the internet between both computers to establish connections etc. (similar like in Teamviewer) or is all the communication done only between my two computers?
no, its all done locally. one system runs the server application the other runs the client. it is open source so you can view the code if you want. also if you are to poor (like me) to afford synergy, you can download the source code and compile it yourself. this is what i do. its not terribly hard with linux (by that i mean its almost turn key). windows isnt terrible to do it on. there are a few things to get installed. i got it compile on mac finally and that was...yeah an adventure. lets say that.
Thank you for your reply! Is there any difference between the bought license and the self compiled version?
only difference is the paid version supports the developers. i was more than happy to pay for it.
paid supports devs, and if you buy the Pro version then you get SSL added. im sure you can add SSL support if you compile but i havent bothered to try
Just bought the Pro Version :D Will see if it's worth the money.
i absolutely love synergy. but i am a poor former college student with two kids and working two jobs. needless to say i dont have tons of spare money lying around. one day i will donate to the project. just not today
I made this video several years ago, Synergy is some type of black magic.
man i have my desktop as the server, my imac is directly to the left. then continuing the mouse left will result in it jumping to my laptop that i have connected to my TV. its great. just make sure you shutdown the server when you wanna game. some games dont play to nicely with it
Is it possible to run Synergy as some kind of service so that it starts before I login on my linux machine? The software itself is awesome but it's a bit annoying that I still have to use the other computer to login.
yes. i think when i did it i ran the command somewhere in the .bash_login script. something like that. or you can add it to system level in rc.local either one should achieve the result you are looking for