How does one install a VM in Single GPU passthrough?

This is surprising every single -Single GPU pass through guide either skips over the install process and all the dual GPU guides use virt manager which obviously can’t work since it’s a GUI app.

How does one quickly setup a VM with the correct parameters from CLI?

Something that isn’t a complete pain in the but (like editing XML from my phone) if something goes wrong.

I got it working using this:
–name win10
–memory 16384
–vcpu 4
–cpu host-passthrough
–machine q35
–disk size=128
–os-variant win10
–boot uefi
–cdrom Win10_20H2_v2_EnglishInternational_x64.iso
–graphics none
–hostdev 05:00.0,address.type=pci,address.multifunction=on
–hostdev 05:00.1,address.type=pci
–hostdev 001.006,address.type=usb
–hostdev 001.005,address.type=usb \