How does everyone feel about the mozzila ceo "stepping down"?

In 2008 the now former ceo of Mozzila donated $1000 to the anti gay marriage bill prop 8 in california. When he became the ceo recently the social "justice" warrior got butthurt about it. Ok cupid put up a thing telling firefox users not to use it anymore because the ceo didn't support same sex marriage and stuff, and they did a really crappy job of it since even no firefox users that used a fork of it got the message, and to use chrome because its not firefox. Now that last part got some of the fsf people mad because it seemed to support proprietary software over free software, but I digress. 


He resigned as the ceo very recently, due to political reasons. So my questions is, how does everyone feel about this, that we now live in a country where your political views can very negatively effect your life and job even if you can do your job perfectly fine? Personally I don't care if his views align with mine or not, if he(or anyone else) can do the job well then thats all that matters in my book. It worries me that now if your political views don't align with pop culture and what is social "justice" accepted your job and life can be negatively effected regardless of how good you are at your job and how the best one for it you are. Heck even just 6 years ago in 2008 when Obama said he didn't support same sex marriage he didn't get any crap for it, in just 6 years we've changed so much is scary. If the trend continues it makes me fear for the future of our nation and world, I don't want to live in a nation or world where one political view can wreck a person thats not something we should be welcoming.


What say ye everyone? 

IMO, he as an individual is entitled to his opinion. Firefox does nothing to discriminate against LGBT individuals as a company or a product, so there's no reason to not use their software just because you disagree with the views of someone who works there has a different view than you.

Same thing happened to Chick fil'a, I support same sex marriage but he's free to feel differently.

Completely agree. Same goes to politicians if they are able to run the country properly and effectively I could care less about what they do outside the office. For example, sex scandals to me feel completely irrelevant to anyone's competency in a job and therefore why should anyone wish them to resign for being "unfaithful". 

As long as they don't cross over into the realm of creepy or Mysogony then I don't personally care where they stick their stick.

I'm with you, OP. Even though I haven't used Firefox in years, I find it highly unlikely I'll use it in the foreseeable future. I consider it a travesty that someone was forced to resign by both his employees and other companies because of a political view, even though I disagree with it.

Not really bothered by it. Society is evolving, evidentially.