How do you switch the side that the door of the R5 is on?

Been at it for three hours. I can't screw in the hinges.

Bump. I'd like to be able to use my computer tonight.

:| bad description, you're not telling us anything. Once can guess you want support for your chassis "R5" i know it must be very popular and known chassis but :( ... yes, I don't know what you're asking for.

You can change the side at which the door swings however I can't find put how. I removed the door and am not sure as to how you put the hinges back on even after 4 hours so fat of messing with it.

means you broke it :)

maybe try youtube... review video usually contains such = if its some feature of your chassis.

Every video mentions it this far. All I did was remove two screws...

so this guy disassembles whole thing and puts it back together...

with proper timing.

I misplaced a screw. Going to look for it in the morning. Right now I'm having ram trouble (error 53).

Fixed it. Screws weren't the same as aforementioned.