How do you remove a large GPU from a motherboard?

I’m putting together a 7950X system. I put an RX 6800 GPU in it.

I was bench-testing - unsuccessfully - tonight and needed to swap out the GPU.

The little PCIe handle thingy was totally obscured by the graphics card. I tried poking non-conductive (wood and plastic) items down the gap between the Noctua cooler and the top panel of the GPU, but I couldn’t actuate the lever.

I ended up brute forcing the GPU removal which caused the plastic handle-lever to pop entirely out of the PCIe shroud, understandably. I couldn’t depress the lever at all because it was hidden beneath the (very) large GPU card.

So, how are you supposed to do it? It must be even worse if everything is in a case already.

I’ve put an RTX 3050 in its place for now (it’s not working :frowning: ) but in the other 16x PCIe slot. That one is a little bit more accessible, and the 3050 is half the size of the 6800 making extrication a lot easier.

That catch was a proper dick move by the pcie people.

All you can do is try and find an angle.
PSU shrouds make it even harder…

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Might be better off, getting one of them pick tools

I use a few millimeters of a flat head screwdriver towards the right edge of the PCIe clip. Just don’t apply more pressure than needed to actuate it and there shouldn’t be any accidental slips.

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