How do you Migrate (OS ONLY) to an SSD

Hey Tek Forums,

Im getting an SSD finally 

250 gb 840 Evo :D

And i want to know how do i migrate my OS ONLY to an ssd without re installing with the OEM CD

I have two SATA 3 cables and an optical drive but i want to know whats the best way to to this now that i waited to get an SSD.


My existing 500 gb HDD is 70 gigs from being full and i want to migrate the OS and a few games after i get the OS situated




Samsung migration software which is available for download from Samsung's site

The Firmware update on there

Should i download that as well or was it fixed on all prior SSD's to that release?


Well when you get the SSD check your firmware version and that will tell you if you need the firmware update or not

ok thanks

You can check if your firmware is up to date in the Smasung magician thingy once the OS is installed.