How do you Hax a PS3 4.31?

Ok guys I am a newb at hacking a PS3. The only reason I wanna hack is because my Black Ops II disc is messed up and Gamestop wont give me a replacement :( 

So anyone know how to play backups on the PS3 4.31 thx :D

If you jailbreak your ps3 and play online, sony will block your console from connecting to the internet. You won't be able to log into your psn

yep, ur screwed.....

Yeah I have 2 ps3s, One for online and another one strictly offline

So anyone know how?

No I has 2 ps3s One is for jailbreak. One is for Online games (that actually work)

Why won't they replace it? The game is literally one week old. I'd call management and bitch.

Well don't u think I tried. I stayed at GameStop for 2 Hours! BTW GameStop has the worst employees


Whats wrong with the disc?

google knows

If it's the unreadable error, a couple of guys that I play with have had it occasionally happen. They just installed it to the HD and haven't had any problems since then. We're on 360 though so I don't believe that is an option for you.

With that CFW you can still play online :3

not really i just depend on what game stop it is when my bf3 disc cracked they replaced it and it was 4 weeks into the games released date, then around the same time mw3 also cracked and they replaced without a problem so it just depends on what gamestop you go to that have crappy service 


Brucevilanch is right. Just burn it to your HD, OP.

I used to burn games onto my HD all the time when I leased a 360, I don't know about Black OPs II but I don't see why it would be different than any other games. 

Don't most new games reccomend you do that for better performance anyways?

you can't unless you are on a firmare under 3.55. (or buy a hardware flasher, downgrade and dehash)

if you want to try to circumvent sony's new salting method for the new private key read up on the reverse engineering here,

you puts potato in it precious! potato!