Hello community,
I recently built a computer (specs can be found here: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/zTjN99) and my monitor doesn't arrive until a few days. I want to know if I can connect my current potato laptop to my desktop as a monitor. As winter break ends soon, I want to be able to set up my desktop now and not have to worry about it during school time. I have an HDMI cable, but that's about it (not sure if I have a VGA.)
I plan to setup my desktop until my monitor comes, and that includes installing windows, going into the BIOS, installing games, etc.
Not unless the laptop has a pass through. Its not really possible.
how about using remote desktop?
Not gonna happen without special parts and taking out your laptop screen.
However you could look around on craigslist or whatever for old 17 inch or so 1280x1024 tft monitor. Many are giving those away for free, ask for 5$ or just throw them away.
It might not seem worth it to get one for just a few days, but a second monitor is always nice for some youtube or browsing while gaming on the main monitor.
Thanks for the ideas anyways guys, I was able to get it hooked up to the T.V. (I was having problems previously.) Thanks again. :)