How do you clean your mousepad

A friend and I are wondering, what the best way to clean a mouse pad is, any suggestions. 

I throw mine in the washer and dryer, but then again most people don't use the pants they wear as a mouse pad

I use a dinner plate. Throw it in a dish washer. Job's a good'un

I don't. It seems that any marks I leave on it disappear after several hours of use.

try using one of those sticky link / cat hair rollers on it.

Shampoo is THE way to go. Use your shower or tap with warm water and wash it with the shampoo. It leaves it smelling nice and is nice on the fibers/cloth it doesnt dry it out or anything like normal soaps can.

10 parts water, 1 part bleach; rinse with mixture, scrub with wash cloth, rinse with cold water, air dry.