I have windows vista on a 365gb partition and I made a 100gb partition for windows 7 (too test it and see if I like it). I now want to delete the vista partition and make win 7 my only os with the full amount of storage avaliable on my hdd. I have tried in the windows hard drive manager but wouldnt work, any help?
Ubuntu live cd.. Use the partition software in it.
any way in windows or using a windows os disk?
take your Windows CD, put it it, restart, go into your BIOS, change the main boot device to CD/DVD ROM, save and restart, press any key when said, follow the instructions.
This. If you dont mind reinstalling windows 7-.. Anyways.. Just download and burn ubuntu to a disc and use the partitioner program in that to remove and merge the two partitions-
you could always just run msconfig.exe and remove vista from the boot manager, but that wouldnt get rid of vista files on the hard drive.
easy use hirens boot cd
u can find it on many torrent sites
Ok better than my last advice: Download gparted , burn as image to disc, boot from it.
thanks for all the help guys I am gonna try the gparted thing as I looked on youtube and it looks easy to use