How do i put a lot of videos on about 20 computers?

How do i get a bunch of videos onto 20 computers, i was thinking about putting them on a flash drive and then copying them to each computer but that will take a while, is there a faster way?

Could put the videos onto a folder on a file sharing site, then set all the computers to download it over night.

also is there a way to download youtube videos with closed captions? because school computers dont have speakers?

here is the link to the video

got headphones?

i will have to ask the teacher, we are a small school and dont get much finding from govt. so i dont think we have any

Most people might be able to bring their own if they are asked beforehand.

If your able to and simplest way, ask the IT guy to set up a shared folder over the network, copy files to said shared folder. And all files will be accessible through the network tab in windows.