How do i have a windows boot disk automatically install software?

I'm not even sure if this is possible, but could I have a 32-bit Windows 8.1 ISO automatically install predetermined software? Software examples: CCleaner, AVG(or maybe Avast), SolidWorks, Google Chrome...etc. I will be installing this on a bunch of old computers at my school's FTC Robotics team. Any help is appreciated.


Mmmm no, but there are alternatives. You could just have said software on a flash drive, or install them via a network. If you have access to the server then you can dump your programs on all the computers connected to that network. Or just burn a lot of dvd's XD

what is that site Linus always uses to make costume install packages?

Also creating a batch file to install multiple programs is a good skill to have. I suggest giving it a try it is generally a simple thing to learn and has saved me a ton of time for stuff like this.

Thanks guys, Ill most likely just put all the programs onto a USB drive. Also how would i use a batch file to install programs?

EZ PZ you can use almost all command line commands and switches  in a text file so you could dump all the installers in lets say c:\temp\setup

make a text file called setup or what ever you want

in the file put

cd c:\temp\setup

install1.exe /s

install2.exe /s  

  {note that the /s is usally used for silent installs and you dont need it and some times is not supported}

then save the text file and change the extention ftom .txt to .bat

then you can run it like an exe file of sorts

here is a list of all sorts of commands you can use.


Just use Ninite as suggested by Crazymobster, it is a simple package that just works, and you can use the same package as an easy updater