How do i find somones IP through skype or Steam

how would i find out an IP from someones steam or skype with WireShark, ive looked around and nothing works :( 

The bug in skype that allowed you to see peoples ip is actually fixed. Wel done microsoft....

My firend DDos me first as a joke and i want to do it back but i dont know how to get his IP lol

Thats not funny :( 

Whats with all these children and DOS attacks? Dont they know its a crime to initiate such an attack?


When they grow up a bit, they send SWAT teams :D

Prank them the old fashion way, a blowjob. That'll show 'em.

We arent going to teach you how to DDOS your buddies, its illegal as well.

DDOSing isn't funny either, and illegal. This is not a forum where you'll find any help regarding your intention.

It may have been fixed but this was one way I knew how to do it.

I think it's good for people to know about this

1. Add person on Skype

2. Start calling them

3. Go to Task Manager -> Preformance -> Resource Monitor -> Network -> Network Activity

4. Whichever Skype.exe process that has the most network activity is more than likely their IP.

Use this knowledge wisley

"fixed" I think I remember trying it later that week after they said they fixed it. I think they used a bandaid instead of stitching the hole.

BOOP, how does this video make you feel?

Guys i was just asking, we all have our own idea of fun and i just thought i'd give my friend a taste of his own medicine.... it was just going to be a joke, so much negativity towards people who just want to have a laugh

Thanks im going to give it ago, but he was ina group call so i didnt know what to do lol


"negativity towards those who want to have a laugh"


its #2K15... wow get it right.... xD 

Ok so i'm just going to pass out some already available information.... maybe if it happens enough Microsoft will fix it (lolnever). Noob-iest way look up "skype resolver" try the first 5-10 results, one of them will work. Wire-shark works from my experience and so does resource monitor. When using wireshark simply sending them a picture or calling them (they dont even need to answer) will work.

Good old wiresharking your own network =P

I could help you with this... You will just need Steam, Facebook or something to message with him and a Command Prompt.