How do disable the CTRl + ALT + DELETE prompt on Windows Server 2008 SP2 Through Console?

Greeting everyone,

I'm currently having an issue with my server and it rejection remote CTRL+ALT+Delete from my VNC client, I have remote terminal access through magic, is there a CMD command that can disable the prompt?



Start -> Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy.

In this new window expand Local Policies and click Security Options. In the right pane look for "Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL + ALT + DEL" and change the option to Enabled.


There is also a registry hack under: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] Change DisableCAD = dword:00000001

Surely your VNC client has an option to submit special keys? Or as it is a Windows machine (and presuming you are connecting from a Windows machine) use RDP.

Problem is it's a server that I kind of frankensteined for a client, running 2008 x32 SP2, the VNC client I use could care less about special keys. They're getting sent, but not being acted on. Thats why I asked for a command line way to do it, as the VNC I use has remote terminal access even when not signed on.

as the VNC I use has remote terminal access even when not signed on.

Woah woah woah, hold up. So you are using a VNC-server on the server and it enables remote command prompt access without a login at the server??? That sounds like the biggest security flaw waiting to rain hell upon everything.

As for doing it via the command line. Nope. You either have to disable the CAD prompt in the methods above or use Win RDP.

Not really, It's a OS dameon that runs, it sits behind 3 firewalls a 2 AES 120 bit passwords, so it's fine. Not really a VNC, but more of a extra product of the company that makes my VNC stuff.