How depressing

NSA are dicks. Stop being dicks NSA.

no sheep cares.


Thank Gaben I'm in Canada

Oh shit, we're all gonna get NSA-probed... run- wait, evacuate to Mars!!!!

In the UK they can decide what's likely to be on your encrypted harddrive, and if you don't unencrypt it they can charge you using the assumption as evidence. I'm sure that will spread to more and more countries in time.

"We thought we were doing the right thing....."

Well DEH NSA doesn't think shit is depressing enough and funny thing is this policy is world wide by now any ways but hey let's just stop using google account's make new mails and just openly trash these scumbags?


I have nothing really against google it's just that the NSA can just collect from them when ever they want


EDIT: and maybe you should get a VPN too ...