How cold can I get my AMD cpu

I have a slightly overclocked AMD Phenom Ii BE in my main rig and it's 21 C out right now and it will only be getting colder throughout the day.

With that, the airflow is insane in my machine.

If I open alllll the windows in my room I am curious how my lower I can get my CPU. It's restinf at 32 C right now. Lets find out!

The cpu will allways be above room temps anless you are useing liquid nitrogen/sub zero cooling

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32c is a good temp.

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Fill your case with liquid helium to get even lower...


If you could get your case full of Liquid Helium, your case, and the system would be 1.7K.

I'm picturing a movie scene where someone opens up the containment cage that would be needed to house such a beast, and it flash freezing their entire body, while a breach in containment would also cause the helium to expand explosively. Afterwards an investigation team is walking around the scene trying to figure out what happened. They are all conversing with really high pitched voices.


Liquid helium huh..... googles

you can't make it under normal means. you would need to put under extreme pressure for it to condense to liquid. of course cause Helium is inert and exists naturally as a gas.

I get youtube ads for Helium and Nitrogen cooling solutions... thats why I mentioned that "option"

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i'm not saying it's impossible. but i'm pretty sure it's much easier to get a canister of liquid nitrogen, than it would be to get Liquid Helium.
Just came across a problem: You need Germanium based microprocessors because Silicon based ones freeze at the temperatures achieved with liquid helium.

dont they use helium in OC competitions?

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I wonder if LHe would cause mechanical issues due to the differing expansion coefficients between various components?

It might also mess with any electrolytic caps, not to mention that some part may become superconductive and really mess things up.

Do it.

It won't Helium is a noble gas. it doesn't react with anything.

then the lowest temperature that you could ever reach on a core (without refrigeration)
is about 22'c at least until physics break down

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