How can my fancy computer work for me?

Logan and Wendell, love the Tek and Inbox.exe,


With such a high powered computer at my disposal, how can I work for money with it?

I know I can play games and have fun but what jobs or opportunities can I take advantage of to earn money using my powerful gaming and editing machine? Not looking for "easy money" since I know it doesn't exist.

I love to edit video and play games. I'm not very creative, but I know my way around Adobe Premiere pretty well. Been busy running a Minecraft server but that is just for fun. I am an aspiring sound engineer, and heading off to college next year.

Thanks, and Wendell looks just like Gabe Newell.

I would like to know as well.

Are you guys really expecting to get a magical "easy money" answer? These days there is no optimal way for your computer to generate money. Unless you create content by using your computer. But that's something else I suppose.

Unless you create content by using your computer:

Learn to program is a great place to start. Create your own website content, computer programs, mobile apps, games and more (or help someone else if your less creative).

This is just one of many suggestions. However it doesn't take a powerful computer to run simple programs, but if you ever start working on serious game content it would be useful.

Get good at video editing and find someone and help them edit you tube videos would be another.

Offer your Tech services online by remoting into peoples computers and fixing problems for 20 bucks and hour, advertise on

User your computer to find a job and then remote in from home... What are you good at? What do you do? What do you like? What do you love? You don't have enough information about yourself to give you a good answer...

I'm not looking for "easy" money. I want to know what doors have been opened to me by building a powerful computer.

Added more info to the OP.

I would offer tech support, but after reading /r/talesfromtechsupport, I don't really want to get into that.

3D modeling, video editing, web dev, photo editing, programming, etc.

It all requires skill and talent, no quick/overnight ways to get it.