I wan't to make a CPU cooler with a peltier but I have been looking online and no-one has made a very good guide. SO all help with this would be great as I would like to do it. Cheers
lame video i made a while ago.
if you have any questions, ask.
So do you use thermo-electric cooling at all? Also would you recommend doing it?
if you want to constantly suck down an EXTRA 100 -200 WATTS of electricity
to get your device UP TOO 30 degrees Under the temp of the air in your room then sure to thermo electric.
but keep in mind , you will need to cool off that extra 200 watts of heat + the heat of the chip you are cooling.
im on regular old watercooling and my temps have never gone above 41c in skyrim modded @ 4k
and thats with the cpu and gpu in the same loop
my 1600mhz idle cpu temp right now is 20c
my 4200mhz cpu in game temps float about 35c to 42c
you can refer to my post about it in another thread if your interested
click the grey area next to my username in the post link to load the pics and whatnot
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