How can I learn how to hack?

We can do with one more I'm guessing since not everyone understands the difference between white/black hat hacking and believes that hacking is all about brute forcing nstuff

    You should really get the principles of a programming language first. I would really recommend choosing a visual language to learn, and then applying it into website design, this way you wont be put off by just seeing how code works in a CMD, but instead, be able to view it in a dynamic manner. Then after this, start learning server side implementation of code such as; Structured Query Language, Hypertext Preprocessor, RUBY, etc... after you've gathered a solid grasp of server side scripting, research into how 'hackers' actually circumvent these protocols.
    Of course after this, you will want to see how the hacks are processed. You can do this, by making a fluke OS, through resources such as; backtrack and virtual box. After you've created this test bed, you can go ahead and start to research into the types of attacks; the most common attacks range from; DDOS (Denial of service attack) and trojan viruses (these can be transmitted and opened through deceptive emails) these 2 can be malicious depending on what you intend for the attack to do.

These are just some basic guidelines, server side coding may be boring, but its a fundamental because of how it embodies the very foundations of linking users/computers together)

I hope this basic guide helps. and BTW I do not condone the use of improper hacking, stick to the ethical side.

Step 1: Acquire ski mask.

Always funny to read threads like that. If you want to learn to hack you wouldnt start this topic here. You would already be learning a language. My advice, talk with your IT people in "real life". Yeah with REAL people. They give you little advice. And depending on how good you work that help they will help you in the future or not. Thing is, why should they talk with you? You have to be a good ant to the syndicate. Give some new input/code/ideas.

And yeah, dont forget the ski mask. Its veeery important.


My advice: Learn a (if not many) programming languages. If you have never programmed before(html doesn’t really count but helps to know) then start with python then go to C/C++ or php or JavaScript depending on what kind of hacking you want to do. If you want to focus on web hacking learn JavaScript and PHP and a bit of SQL. To continue on the thought of web hacking you want to make sure you know how networks work, how computers communicate with each other, protocols they use, general knowledge of servers/networking, etc. Once you have learned those vital web programming languages and intermediate if not advanced networking then you can focus on actual hacking. Learn about hacking exploits and common ways/methods of hacking. Tools like Backtrack, Metasploit, and wireshark are a must have for web hacking and hacking in general. Most of this stuff you can find by googling, remember the internet is your friend! USE IT OFTEN! And the best way to learn is to figure stuff out. Start experimenting with things and actually hacking(On your computers and network of course). Reading from a web page isn't not going to teach you how to hack, you need to apply your knowledge and use it to test what aircrack-ng is or how to do a man-in-the-middle attacks.

One of the most important thing about hacking is mentality. This is spilt in many ways. Firstly, never give up! It may seem hard and you will probably not understand things but stick with it and you will learn. Second, you gotta wanna do it. If you really want to learn something especially a skill like hacking you need to really have an interest in it and actively participate in the activity. Find people who want to learn how to hack or already do know how to. Find people to compete against and challenge yourself constantly. Know that when you think you know everything you don't. There will always be someone smarter and I had to learn that the hard way unfortunately. People don't like other people who are arrogant and speak down to them. Even though it's tempting to feel superior and slug around your hacking skills like you're a god you can't do that. A hacker needs to be humble and quiet. But don't belittle yourself, have confidence that you are good at hacking. Last mentality, be ethical. That means use your skill for good not evil. Spreading malicious code is bad, stealing passwords and deleting data is bad. Hack on your own computer/network or on a good friends but do not do anything that will do harm. That will get you no where but jail. When you hack into something muck around but then leave. Tell whomever you hacked about it but say you didn't delete anything or installed any malware (and don't). Tell them that maybe they should increase their security. If you do this correctly instead of getting very angry/scared they will look up at you and thank you.

So to recap: Learn multiple programming languages, Learn about Networking and how it works, Start to learn about hacking exploits/tools/methods, remember Google is your best friend, find people in real life or even on a forum who want to learn the skill of hacking or who already know it, be confidante in your abilities and skills but don't boast about them or make people feel stupid, remember there is always someone smarter then you, never give up, be ethical: never damage anybody's data or extort them in some way; use common sense and your conscience to tell you if what you are doing is ethical or not, and always challenge your self and have fun. If you are not having fun while hacking then maybe it's not for you.

I hope this really helped you and sorry if it is a bit long. I know it was really hard at first learn how to hack so I hope this eases the difficulty. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to message me on the forum. Good luck and have fun!!


This guy know what's up.

like TheFirstOne said, hacking is more of a lifestyle. but, since most people refer hacking to computers, start with learning programming languages. SQL, Java, and HTML.

Get Linux. If you have a UEFI system, Kali Linux is a b#tch to get running. There are alternatives to Kali despite what people say. Backbox is excellent, especially if you want a Xfce interface. Blackbuntu is another really awesome distro, in fact, im using it right now. ill give you a link to the iso download, since it seems like no one can ever find it. i like Blackbuntu better than Backbox simply because it has more tools, but Blackbuntu is based of of ubuntu 10.10, so its pretty friggin old.

i know im pretty much summarizing what everyone has said, but really its a matter of just messing around with stuff. At least, that’s how ive learned everything i know. Ive still got a LOT to learn though...


Show someone you know kon boot, then watch them be scared...... >:)

In my opinion, hacking is a game of "control". Whoever has the most "control" wins.


How do you gain "control"?

You learn things inside-out


sweet and simple ;)


Wow! What a bunch of comments (that I didn't read). Here's the best advice I think I've heard recently:

Don't learn to hack. (Rather) Hack to learn!


Here what you can do as an advanced hacker :

I got a friend, who's been pissed off by a guy on the internet, he normaly only attacks other hackers in other clans (it's kind of a war, the run to get the most servers under control I think)

Anyway, he found that guy's IP adress, and started DDOS'ing it (saturating his connection with lots of requests made by an army of zombie computers). He did it for a month. But wait, it gets funnier, he also took his steam ID in memory so whenever the guy would connect on steam with an other IP adress, it would start DDOS'ing that adress too, so basically, that guy wouldn't be able to game for a month :p

He also tracked down the bank account of an other account that hacked his mom's bank account and stole all the money. He got PAYBACK. (pun not intended)

Morale of the story, don't piss off a hacker.

No, hacking is not just bypassing a firewall, far from.

Also hacking in video-games can provide far more features, and are rather complicated.

Then there is various ACs(Anti-cheats), you would need away around them too.


Hacking accounts, is what I would consider not to be hacking.

You either:

  • Get him to tell his password some way or another, could be done via social engineering.
  • Infect him which a virus(keylogger in this instance), and what for him to use his password(hoping he is using the same password on his xbox).
  • Using a huge list with a combination of $USER:$PASS, and get all account within.

It is in reality not advance, but simply takes a lot of time figuring out doing it.

way to bring up a 2 month old thread.......

i have been having varying success and 1 broken hard drive from messing with konboot on the uefi systems. Its now easier to just boot a linux distro.

Learn the OSI model.