How can I help to defend Net Neutrality if I'm not a US citizen?

Hello everyone, it’s been a while since I posted but although I’m still a bit busy I have to ask this and try and help even just a little bit.

Can you please tell me how can I help if I’m not a US citizen, please? I live in a country where only three ISPs are controlling the market and whatever atrocities Ajit Pai want to commit against freedom of the internet (Net Neutrality) will directly influence the ISPs of my country to be even a lot worse. Please anyone if there’s anything I can do as non-US citizen , please tell me.


George Soros has been active in this, and has many organizations in many countries.

You could do things for your own country. Other places are not immune from these things. There was a campaign for this issue in Europe not long ago that was fairly successful in it’s goals.

If your own country has issues, I would look there first.


thanks @anon85933304 @Eden
How can I express??? hmmm, you see I’m from middle-east gulf region. Yes, THE region where If I criticize someone with political power that I shouldn’t, the least bad thing that can happen is prison. There’s nothing I can do in my country tbh since I don’t have any political position and whatnot. But I can confirm, unfortunately, that whatever the outcomes are in the United States will directly influence our ISPs :pensive:

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