How can I configure a Windows Active Directory Domain to only allow one domain user to login at a time, so that two people can't be changing a setting at once?

Googling this, I see plenty of how-to’s for configuring a computer to only allow one domain user to login, but I don’t see how to set it to where only one person at a time can log into a computer.

What I mean is, I want it to where when a second Domain account logs in, the first is automatically logged out. Even if they have things open. Ideally it’d warn the user logging in about this.

The guides are all about tying one account to one computer, but I just want it so only one account can be logged in at any one time.

The point of this is to prevent multiple people from working on the same machine.

So say I log into a machine and begin working on something, but something else comes up. I begin working on this other higher priority thing, expecting to finish working on this other thing later.

Someone else logs into the same machine, and begins working on something else that’s related (so same dialog box opens). Then they finish, save it, wtv, exits the dialogue and logs out.

Then I finish with what I’m doing, come back, and continue working on the same issue I was before. I save the dialogue box, etc. Now, depending on the dialogue box, the issue that was resolved while I wasn’t actually interacting with my login may be unfixed because my settings overwrote the prior person’s changes since my dialogue box was open that whole time with the old settings.

I’m assuming this is how it works, and that Windows isn’t intelligent enough to only change what I change and not submit the whole settings dialogue.

I found Microsoft’s solution for this in newer Domains (2008+):

This feels incredibly “djanky” but it’s official so I guess I’ll go with this. :expressionless:

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