How big psu do i need

hey guys, so i'm about to build my first pc and i'm not sure how big of a psu i need, here's the specs


intel i7 4709k + be quiet dark rock 3 (light overclocking, my goal is 4.6 ghz)

asus z97 ranger

corsair 16gb ddr3 1600mhz lp

samsung 850 evo 240gb ssd (OS and skyrim + mods I LOVE SKYRIM!)

1tb seagate barracuda (video editing, recordings and whatnot)

2tb seagate barracuda (games and storage)

asus gtx strix 970 (might do SLI in the future)

corsair carbide air 540 black + 3x 120mm be quiet fans in the front and one 140mm be quiet fan in the rear)


I thought about an evga g2 supernova 750W or 850w or be quiet straight power 700w-800w, i'll be doing a slight overclock on the cpu, around 4.5-4.6 ghz, and overclock the gpu

is the 750w-700w enough? or should i go for the 850-800w? remember i might do SLI

Your system will draw ~350 watts as it is. The Strix 970 draws 150W max, so if you SLI later 500W. 

so 750W would be fine power draw wise; just make sure it has all of the connections you want currently with room to expand for the future.

750 should be fine but you'd be cutting it close. I have 2 760 and an 8350 running on a 750w but 760s aren't maxwell and 970s are a tier up from 760s.

760 TDP is 170 and the 970 TDP is 145

ahh, 2 people telling me different things :P 

are you running a similar setup?

the 970s are really power efficient though and i wont go crazy overclocking

if you want something future proof for the optional  GTX970 Sli Then something like a 750W should basicly be fine. 850W will give you some extra headroom, but its basicly not needed.

its good for the psu to run at like 90-80% load right? to get like maximum stuffs out of it :P if 750w is all i need then thats what i will get, since the only thing im gonna upgrade in the future is SLI (probably) 

thanks :) got any recommendations for psu? i was thinking off evga g2 750w or be quiet straight power 700w but thats more expensive

I have a CX750M from Corsair for my SLI setup. I've had it for over 6 months now;I haven't had any problems with it, it's semi-modular, it's cheap, and it's really quiet.

anyone got experience with seasonic m12II bronze 850w? found it on 26% off

Very nice power supply.  Seasonic is one of the best PSU makers for consumers, and that model performs pretty damn well.

Great units, jump on it since there is a discount. 5yr warranty, strong single 12v rail and a great build quality.

Make sure you get a modular PSU. They make assembly as well as cable management much more ...friendly...

650w+ is where I think modularity is almost mandatory.

Aye. I made the mistake of purchasing a 750w non-modular. I had so many extra cables that the back side panel could barley close.

thanks alot guys, will pull the trigger on that one on friday, cuz thats when i get money so hopefully the discount will still be there XD anyone know how it performs soundwise?

it's modular aswell, well that doesn't matter as much to me since i'll be using the carbide air 540, but it's still nice :)   now let's pray that the discount will be active til friday!

mehh the seasonic psu only comes with ONE 6 pin pcie and ONE 6+2 pcie... no SLI for me then so therefor i won't get that psu.. dangit -.-

Are you sure?  It should come with three sets of the 6 & 6+2

youve linked the evo edition, the one ive looked at is the normal one, i looked at an overview online from newegg and it comes with just one 6 pcie and one 6+2 

this is the one that's avaible

That EVGA 750W G2 is fine.