How bad is it? (data caps & speed)

I live in Denmark, have 50/50 for 147 USD a month

We also have TV, and a free router with WiFi.


I have never heard about datacaps here in Denmark, or from any of my friends.


How bad is it in other parts of the world? Is it rare to get no data caps in US etc?



Never experienced anything in that direction either. My provider once cut my connection, because my computer was infected and started sending spam-mails, but that's about it. Paying € 25 for a 30/4 connection including IPTV.

I am in the US and I have 1 Mb down .27 Mb up and no bandwidth cap. We get our internet for free from the place we live.

paying $50/mo, att u-verse. Get 24d/6u, 250g/mo cap, then I get overages. It's terrible speed and cap, but it is reliable, at least. Came with wireless router/adsl modem combo unit that sucks, but it does come with a ups backup, enough for 12 hours of backup power.

i have 20mbs download and 2 mbs upload, and in a couple of months i get 30mbs download and 3 mbs upload so a Nice speed extra without any extra cost. we also have television and telfoon and we pay €40  a month. And on speedtest's i get 1 mbs extra on down and up so thats Nice we also have no datacap or reduced speed when i download to much. And in the 2 years we have this provider we got around 1 day of downtime so also reliable. And before i heard from datacap last month or so i also didnt know it existed

i get my internet from a municipal non-profit, without a cap. I have 100mbits symmetrical in my contract, but during the night i can get 1.1gbits. I think that I'm hitting the sealing of the gigabit Ethernet LAN-connection between the fiberoptic coupler and my computer.

Pay $180 for 13 down 4 up. 500GB cap

Activly being throttled to .5 down 1 up. Trying for force everyone to VDSL or Fiber. I live in a spot where VDSL and Fiber just dont quite reach. Makes updating 5 different customers machines at the same time fun :)

the business connections are the worst, as far as that goes. A lot of business connections are still uncapped, but way more expensive. Consider that on TimeWarner their 50x5 plan is $300-$500 per month in most places. The same consumer plan is $99-$150/mo (with caps, sometimes not enforced, though). 

Did some research for an upcoming videos. Municipal take over by TW in areas of 500k or more people the last 5 years saw 25% price increases /on average/ after TW takeovers of those areas /on the consumer side/. On the business side, they want you to have a contract, and if you don't they hike the prices by 50% or more.

So if you need a lot of internet, like 100/100 umetered (because yay business) expect to pay astronomical sums. Even in NYC business connections are pricey.

Just something as simple as that adds a ton of friction. Thats why the "app revolution" economy is not happening in america. It doesn't make financial sense for good developers to spend their time developing apps.. but does make a lot of sense for other areas (like europe, india, s korea, the phillipines) where the same (or better!) connectivity is a fraction of the cost of the US and the wages are lower to boot. 

The REALLY lol part is that economists and such saw this coming with the internet boom and we (america) put a plan in place to make us on top of the information superhighway (1996 telecommunications act). Unfortunately, greed won out, and the american citizen got screwed. I weep for the younger generation that doesn't even realize how wronged they've been.


Oh dont get me started on the younger generation. Greed is what has won out but greed won because of peoples inability to do their own research and it shines through with the young generation. Most people accept the first information they understand and when ever there is a counter argument, Its false. Dosent matter if its true, if it conflicts with your origional view, Its wrong. Thats a huge problem and its going to get worse. The young generation coming through now do not question what their told. And worst of all, most of them dont care. 

If their told it wont effect them, They wont look into it and if they are pulled into the subject, they will find the argument that suits them best in ease of agreeing with. As such believing current media is the easiest thing to do. When the national news broadcast says something, dosent that mean its true?

Oh and the paranoia argument. Before the NSA revelations, People called me paranoid, crazy about worrying about spying. Why would the government spy on its people? People still in New Zealand and Australia atleast still believe that it wont effect them because its the states and that our government dosent spy on us. Ignoring the mammoth amounts of information to disprove their ideas.

The only reason why we are in the current situation, And yes I know about the business broadband issues. I wanted to get fiber put down to my house to business plans but it was going to cost $3,000 a month for 20mbit speeds. With a 100gb cap. 

But yes the issue with the internet goes back to one great big problem. people are to accepting of what they as an individual can not change. Ether that or they believe the rubbish spouted by media or they just down right dont care. But the lack of information freely available that is correct is a huge issue. 

Inform people correctly on such subjects that are problematic and you might have half a chance of fixing it.

I thought all the business' in NYC dropped in there own fiber to make millions off of trading stock? Speaking of which, will you guys be covering that in the next tek? It is insane how much they make because they are able to trade milliseconds before the rest of us.

Well, yes, if you are supermegacorp. But america is built on the backbone of small businesses -- 10 - 1000 employees. And that's far, far out of reach for those companies. Also, the stock market has been rigged for some time. The details about the "super luminal" commodities trading in chicago at precisely the moment trades were happening in NYC is concrete evidence of wrongdoing, and yet nothing happens.

So there is this push now to deploy 'direct link microwave' which is about 3/4 a sham -- plausible deniability for insider trading.

The financial sector has been running unchecked for quite some time. 

For TWC, the "Internet" portion of our bill is $80. Get 50/5, with no data caps.

I got Cableone, 50/3 for $50 with a 350GB data cap. I sadly occasional DNS dropouts for some unknown reason, probably congestion issues and the only other ISP is Century Link (formerly Quest). The 50/3 for $50 is the only good thing about Cableone

There is a data cap in the ToS though -- they usually do crazy traffic shaping much past 300gb in areas where there are no overage charges. /sad panda


Hm. I didn't even realize. I should probably read those.

Good luck with that. You willl need both a dictionary and a thesarus to make any sense out of it. Once you do understand it, for any ToS, you will wonder why you agreed to it.

On a different note, we pay monthly 147USD for TV (HD/Digital) and 50/50 internet. All fiber.


(Not to talk about the 450(EDITED) USD we pay in Denmark for state-television (i know its stupid))

Oh god, no Danes aint idiots, we pay 

450 every year for state television.

should probably mention it is 50 usd, on contract. Only internet, no tv. Thinking about bumping up to their business plan. I want to use my own modem, but att won't let me do that. Heck I can't even change dns settings on the backbone router/modem they gave me.

And for anyone wondering, I have  fiber line running under my backyard, right into the prim, which is just outside my fence. From there it's vdsl to each home in the neighborhood. The max plan I can get is 50d/6u, but for that I'd be paying much more than double.

You should all move to my neighborhood.  It'd be funz.

I'm lucky enough to live right at the corner of TimeWarner and Cablevision... on the Cablevision side.  I have a business account 50/25 at $49.  A typical speedtest gives me 100+/25ish and I don't notice any capping... ever.

I do "IT" junk for some businesses a few blocks away in the TW wasteland.  One client is paying closer to $100 for 10/768K.  It's ludicrous.

Awareness of this big rip off is not restricted to the younguns.  It seems like even though some might be slightly aware, they'd rather just ignore it since they are helpless to do anything about it.

I'm not one to praise corporations but if I was, then Cablevision would be a corporate hero.  They are a much smaller company (still fairly big, though) than most of the others yet they are right up there with Google proving, in actual practice, the bs spouted by the other biggies re: bandwidth is just that... B fqing ESS.