I finally bit the bullet and switched to Proxmox from Ubuntu 18.04.
I’ve imported my pool fine (WD Red 4TB x 8 in raidz2).
I’ve got a love–hate relationship with Proxmox currently. I love the fact that I can finally run Debian for my VM, but managing how my VM’s interact with the ZFS pool is troublesome.
Right now I just have CIFS/Samba running on the Proxmox hypervisor with read permissions as a temporary solution.
Each application on my VM runs under it’s own nologin user and I want to be able to decide what directories it can access.
I’ve tried the built-in method in Proxmox which is to create ZFS volumes, but this seems to create so much padding space on raidz2 that it’s not really worth it.
Do I just need to read up on CIFS more (I do have the O’reilly book)? Or is there a better way of doing this that I’m missing? RTFM?
RTFM is never a bad idea, but perhaps look into BTRFS as well. ZFS is not native to Linux, BTRFS is. IIRC it’s actually written/coded by Linus Torvalds? (I might be mistaken though!)
As an alternative for Samba/CIFS I’d suggest NFS. Can be tricky to set up manually, so I use Webmin for that as it eliminates syntax errors. NFS is not available for Win-OS, but otherwise will work just fine on *nix systems.
To the best of my knowledge! I don’t use Win-OS very much, so I have no use for NFS on that OS 
Correction: NFS is only available for Windows 10 Pro & Education. It is not available to Home users.
NFS does seem to work a lot better once I got use to the syntax. I mean, I can actually write to the zpool now.
That said, I think I’m going to have to get the O’reilly book or something similar. Can’t seem to find anything explaining how permissions are handled with it (mainly for remote users). Most guides seem to cover just the basic setup.