I can’t believe we live in a world, where this discussion is even happening.
Well there goes my weekend plans, jeeeeez.
They can stop the brothels, but they can’t stop the actual sale of sex robots.
Also, I thought this ban was because some shop wanted to do a “try before you buy” program. Not really a “robot brothel.”
When it comes to the oldest profession. There will be Robot Brothels.
It only how long till they can interact / learn what you like and move there parts and pieces right.
The emergency room stories from beta 0.9 should be interesting and scary.
Gotta protect real people jobs…
Think I’ll just buy my own robot, ez win and I’ll know it’s clean
PSH you mean sex traffic industry running
^^^what does this stand for?
Frankly, I don’t really care either way. If people feel they need a sex bot, go for it. I wonder how the brothel was planning on maintaining cleanliness though. Could be a huge disease vector.
If it helps reduce the number of people being exploited in sex work, I’d call it a win.
Think giant dishwasher, but for robots.
Alternatively, make the fun parts out of pure silver with a sharkskin pattern, as it will disinfect itself. That
Removable parts? Boil them, medical grade materials and so on.
I heard about this on the radio over here. Frankly I think this is just bible belt reactionism. There are probably quite a few people who would make use of this, but an angry protesting mob of Texans is not to be toyed with, praise the lord and pass the ammunition style.
As far as I know they all ready have a running one of these in Canada and they were looking to expand into the States, got the place ready to open assuming no one would be bothered/possibly even thankful for making sex trade safer. And then the protests kicked off…
Poor guys. I hope they find a more friendly state to set up, or just skip the brothel end and turn it into a store front for the robots instead.
I mean there is weirder sexual habits than this, its is just new and “scary” and chiefly being brought to public attention. I can understand the backlash being from a massively sexually repressed country. The effects of which are causing people to push the limits. It is an odd situation where the basics are never really talked about due to embarrassment but because of that the pent up energy has to go somewhere so it is more and more starting to show up in less “normal” kinks. So I get the reaction just a shame it was enough to stop something potentially good, or at least less bad than the alternative.
I’m perfectly fine with sex robots, and I think existing laws regarding the sale of sex toys are sufficient to cover sex robots as well.
That said… they are sex toys. It’s weird to walk into a toy store and expect to be able to use the toy before you (don’t) buy it, but that’s exactly what this is.
It should be legal, but the ick factor it still strong with me.
I don’t buy used underwear at thrift shops, and I wouldn’t buy a used sex robot.