Host an ics calendar?

Long story short, I’m looking to link an ever-changing ics file to a calendar on Office365.

The easy part of creating an ics file is already done. I just run a query against my database, and have python use the results to output an ics file. So I just have a cron job run this every-so-often to generate a new file with any changes. I just need something to get the ics file to show on my account’s calendar.

I think I might be able to accomplish this with a CalDav server, but I’m not sure if it’ll even work with Office365, and I would like to avoid having to set up a public facing server if I can avoid it.

Or if anyone knows a better way to go about doing all of this, I have no problem scrapping what I have done so far.

Have you tried the workflow tool built into Office365?