Horrible article regarding the Netflix and Comcast scenario & price raises

This article also talks about the Netflix price raises as well. 

Just wanted to share with all of you.



It seems as if they will be world wide eventually, they just are adding one country at a time.  It mentions how they first raised prices in Ireland(I think?) as a test to see how the reaction would be towards the increase.  

I like how nothing ever changes here, the Irish public getting the shaft again. 

The price hikes are bull shit but thankfully I can stay on the lower price for another 2 years.

Now this is going to get a lot of hate but fuck you America. People set up a service like Netflix and then the ISP fuck it all up and me an international customer of Netflix outside the US have to prop you bastards up. 

Not aimed at the general US public that comment but I hope sentiment comes across.