Hopping on the iphone bandwagon

ha i was linking that

you could splice / pull the power from a fast charger and keep the data going to the PI… i think

UUHHHG this sounds amazing… im really thinking about doing this now. iv wanted a nightly but didnt know how to do it in the phone… ADB would do it… set that shit for 4am or something so i would still get pings until late

looking for new pi on amazon

It’s a good thought, but the last time I tried doing something like that, I killed a galaxy S3.

This was four years ago and was spear phishing.

Icloud is a safe cloud.

Nah, I’ve got a python script that monitors for the phone to be plugged in, then gets cracking. It places everything in a temp folder until it’s done, then SSHs into the NAS and renames the folder when it’s done.

Also has cleanup in the event of an incomplete backup.

are you speaking in terms of secure…ed, like the nas can be taken? thats my issue with local… yeah know, fire?

lives in SoCal

yeah, the NAS is backed up to B2, and honestly, it’s the second thing I get out of the house if there’s a fire. First is my threadripper, then after the NAS, it’s my laptop and camera gear. I have a very solid evac plan. Go bag ready in my office and everything.

my gosh… im looking at this when i get home

Break-in, physical access, fire, your LAN isn’t as secure as you think it is etc.

We don’t need to get into it here.

Just helping the Sgt pick an iPhone.

Anything else regarding the XR vs XS @SgtAwesomesauce?
You didn’t mention your phone use cases.

push every thing out the window

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Oh, phone calls, texts, ahempicturesahem, work emails, personal emails, smart lights, youtube/plex, gotomeeting and zoom meetings, slack, that’s about it. Really not heavy usage, but not nokia territory either.

That won’t save them:

i always dislike the CA hellscape pictures

I’ve been in the middle of this sort of thing, it’s a pretty accurate image.

Go with the XR, same performance, but the added battery is nice.

Also its thiccer.

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Alright, brb going to store.

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