Honey browser plugin scam

Disclaimer: I haven’t watched any of the videos ITT yet, but planning to shortly.

Reject modernity, embrace tradition. We wouldn’t be in this mess if the internet was just “a bunch of computers” like it originally was. Web 2.0 was a mistake. Disable JavaScript folks, I promise your life will change drastically for the better (the worst of the worst sites function with JS - only being able to access 5% of the internet makes the experience much better).

There’s no such thing. Pry enough into someone and you’re bound to find things you disagree with. That doesn’t mean to disrespect people, but it means to always think for yourself and to never fall for the cult of personality.

Sometimes you’re not even aware you fell into that, until you actually find something you deeply disagree with with someone and try to convince yourself that the individual you like is still somehow not guilty of it or has been duped or something.

I’m glad I’ve been boycotting it for years. At moments like this I feel so vindicated. It’s difficult having to choose places that don’t use it. Even the other day, I wanted to buy a PinePhone Pro and my cards didn’t work on their website (probably stripe permission denied for payments to Hong Kong). The other option was PayPal. I chose not to buy it anymore, at least not from them directly, which ain’t an easy decision.

It’s crazy that Markiplier is the “voice of skepticism / reason” here. What a time to be alive!

I can’t believe it’s not butter!

Debatable. If you’re doing content for free, with the intent to never monetize your channel, because you want to share knowledge, then you won’t get corrupted by advertisers / sales departments. I do realize that would be a very small minority (even on this forum, idk anyone besides myself who’d do that).

I’d argue being greedy is the best thing you can do for the world. But it’s in people’s self-interest not to scam people and make the world a worse place, because they’re digging their own graves. When one amasses a fortune at the expense of those around one’s self, said individual will not get a chance to enjoy the fortune, given the circumstances of the surrounding society.

That’s why you shouldn’t trust LTT or other entertainment channels. They’re not tech channels. Their goal is making money off of people watching them. You are their product (in the literal sense, because they literally sell views and get paid based on the average number of viewers their previous videos got, selling a promise to a corporation’s sales dep. that the video they’ll be included in will get X amount of views - and they get paid before they even show the ads to people, talk about a good deal… for them!).


Same. Their exposés are biased and I tend to avoid them. They’re still good information, but I’m more like “lmao I already knew that” (and I get vindicated). It happened with corsair, it happened with nzxt.

Why are you stressing about something you’re not in control of? If you had any power to prevent him, that’d be one thing, but you don’t. Just live your life.

Nobody posted this, so I feel obligated to.


Let’s just call this one the killshot.

Louis Rossmann channels every single thought in my head that I’ve tried to convey about linus and his behavior in an hour long rant, along the way revealing more dirty details that have been kept hidden in the past.


I’m going to reference what I said a week ago, don’t devolve this thread into the drama. The rossman video is mostly drama and not about honey being terrible.


Calling someone out for their bullshit isn’t “drama”. Only apologizers call it “drama”. It’s literally laying out facts and most of it are things that no one wants to hear or admit to.

Edit: As someone that has actually gone through a metric shit ton of narcissistic abuse (and still does; I can’t afford to live anywhere else even at almost 40 years old) it fucks you up in more ways that can’t even be defined. That’s not “drama”, that’s real life.


I agree with Rossman on Linus (heck, I’ll be the hipster and say that I’ve disliked Lienus before it was cool to hate on him), but Novasty is 100% right. This thread is about the Honey scam.


But it very much involves Linus, because he absolutely had the chance to come out and say what it was for years. Edit: It’s literally right there in the original video. Not trying to start shit, but he is deeply involved with the subject, whether anyone wants to hear it or not.