Homeserver - Armbian - NFS share not mounting at boot :(

Hi everyone! :hugs:

I need help solving a problem with my home server :no_mouth:. When I boot/reboot my server, it does not connects automatically to a NFS Share :rage:.

Currently, I am using Armbian with a single board computer Asus tinkerboard (first generation) as my home server . I have a NAS(Truenas Scale) in the same network that shares my docs to the LAN. I can connect to the share if I ssh to my tinkerboard server by the following command:

sudo mount -t nfs /media/asukadocs

So far so good :partying_face:. To automate this at boot, I found that the file /etc/fstab should be edited. But unfortunately it does not :scream:. This is what I added. /media/asukadocs nfs auto,nofail,noatime,nolock,intr,tcp,actimeo=1800 0 0

This is my normie guess :thinking:, but I believe it is ignoring the /etc/fstab file. Does anyone have some idea on how to achieve it?

Thanks everyone for the help! :heartpulse:

Root + crontab + @reboot mount -t nfs /media/asukadocs

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