Hello Forum,
I installed harverster on a deskmini which I had lying around in order to play with it and learn about it. The deskmini has only one NIC which should in theory not be a problem.
In the current setup the deskmini is hooked up to a dream machine pro on a port with vlan 40 (mgmt) and 60 (vm) assigned. During installation of harvester only VLAN 40 was assigned and Harvester network config was done via DHCP as manual config lead to errors with bond config config (1 nic again).
So once everything is installed I setup a L2VLANNetwork with the ID 60 and put it on the mgmt cluster.
I was not sure if this approach is gonna work but I setup 2 testvms and they got an IP via DHCP in the correct VLAN and where able to reach all destinations defined by the dream machine rules.
Now I installed the Rancher Manager from the experimental repo on harvester and after integration I deployed a small 3 node cluster. So far so good the vms are created but I am stuck during cloud init and thats it.
[ERROR] Error while connecting to Rancher to verify CA necessity.
Sleeping for 5 seconds and trying again.
Now I really suspect that something is wrong with my network setup and maybe some of the sages of the forum can point me towards the right direction?
Merry Christmas