Get Beersmith, it makes the whole composition process ALOT easier. Just look up a clone recipe of something you like first and try it out, maybe change around some in the hop scheme just for kicks.
Master tip of mine is temperature control, keep it cool during fermentation and remember that the fermentation is an exothermic process that heats up the wort, so the wort is a couple degrees over (sometimes even more!) the ambient temp. Nothing leaves more off flavors in my opinion than stressed yeast!
I like to age mine 30 days minimum. Longer if the ABV is high or there are a lot of specialty grains or flavors, aromas, visuals. Aging definately helps round out the flavor profile. I never secondary either. I leave it right on the yeast cake and add stuff through the blow-out hole if need be. Here is a simple SMASH that always comes out well for me.
#14 of marris otter
1 oz of simcoe for 60+ minutes, 2 oz at 10 minutes, 1 oz in a the fermenter (after 30 days) for 1-2 weeks.
California Ale yeast from white labs, 1 vial
Mash all the grain in a starting temp of 168 degrees in 6 gallons of water. Cover or insulate mash and let sit for 1 1/2 or more hours. This gets both ALpha and Beta enzymes working (hopefully). Sparge with 1 1/2 -2 gallons of 170 degree water. Begin boil.
Welcome to homebrewing. Another highly addictive hobby that will drain you wallet. Your friends will love it to I have found out ha ha.
I've been homebrewing for years, but don't have a favourite recipe. I keep changing them all the time:)
Best tip I can give is to make sure you sanitize everything. Keep it clean and your beer will be great. Also keep a journal or recipe book. Take good notes and you will soon be able to create your own favourite recipe.
Sounds like a pretty straightforward lemony English ale.
My father and I made an IPA using 9.15 pounds MO extract (~12 pounds grain), some clean yeast, and a pile of Mosaic hops. 1 oz. at 60 min, 1 oz. 40 min, 2 oz 15 min, 2 oz at flameout, and 2 oz dry. Apparently it was a very complex taste thanks to the Mosaic. Unfortunately I wasn't able to try any because my dad drank all of it before I got a chance.