Howdy, Syndicate. I had a thread yesterday about some particular FreeNas questions, and I've taken care of all of that. Now to bring you the build so you can tear it apart.
The Mission:
To be able to backup mine and my roommate's Windows 7 PC's, stream (movies, music, and steam installs) from one, solid location.
The Software:
A simple FreeNas setup with CIPHS.
The Hardware:
Case: Coolermaster Elite 120 Advanced ($49.99 USD @ MACMALL)
Mobo: ASRock E350M1 ($68.99 USD @ SuperBiiz)
Storage: 3x 3TB HGST Deskstar Coolspin 3.5" HDD ($99.99 USD a drive @ B&H), running FreeNas off USB
PSU and 8GB DDR3 on hand
Switch: TRENDnet TEG-S80g ($31.00 USD @ Amazon)
CAT6 cables everywhere, and a few wireless access points we have lying around.
I've been testing the "Mission" section on our flimsy home network using my PC as a "server" for the past few days, and everything seems to work well enough even without gigabit. I'm confident all will be well; however, I would love for you guys and your expertise to give me a few pointers.
Also, for a small 4-man home network, is it worth purchasing a fourth 3TB drive to run in RAID 5? I know redundancy is infinitely valuable, but keep in mind I'm on a budget. I'm considering it heavily, but I wanted to know what you all thought.